Taste the Island Buyers Guide 2020

Connemara Hill lamb Connemara Hill lamb is produced by a Connemara Blackfaced Horned ewe unique to this region dating back to the 1800’s. Naturally born in spring, the Connemara Hill Lamb is reared on a diet of natural fresh herbs, heathers and grasses dictated by nature itself. The resulting specialised taste, quality and flavour imbued from a diet of natural herbs, heathers and grasses unique to the Connemara region has earned it EU label PGI designation since 2007, for the 98 farmers who supply 2,000 to 3,000 lambs per year. Waterford blaa Waterford blaa (EU label PGI designation) a type of bread of theWaterford food region with a unique French influence dating back to Huguenots, whenWaterford was a powerful trading post city and it became a shelter to French Protestant refugees due to its ease of access; and convenience to their own shores, should circumstances make their return desirable. Irish Food and Drink today Today so many cultures continue to influence Irish cuisine and drink, such as Middle Eastern food, Chinese, Japanese, Polish and Korean cuisine. A new fusion of Irish cuisine marries the traditional Irish food dishes and Irish quality ingredients, with an international twist. However at the heart of the Irish Food Experience is the commitment to allow Irish Ingredients speak for themselves. Buyers Guide to Ireland’s Food and Drink We hope this Guide supports your programming of our Taste the Ireland celebration. Containing endless suggestions for Food and Drink Experiences in Ireland from food and drink tours, cookery schools and culinary tastings, while producer farm visits allow the unique opportunity to get up close and meet the characters behind many of our great food ingredients. 8 I RELAND’ S FOOD HER I TAGE Derryclare Lough, Connemara