Our tourism partners
Our tourism partners help to show Ireland as a world-class destination. Fáilte Ireland works with leading industry experts, who are specialists in attracting overseas visitors and situating Ireland as a leading holiday destination.
We also work in partnership with a variety of organisations to develop tourism opportunities across Ireland by creating destination development plans and networks, investing in infrastructure, activities, visitor attractions and festivals.
Other organisations
In our development activities, we work with a wide range of organisations and government departments, such as, county councils; the Arts Council; OPW; National Parks and Wildlife Centre; the Crafts Council; GAA; Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann; Údarás na Gaeltachta; the Irish Film Board; the Heritage Council; the Irish Heritage Trust; An Taisce; Theatre Forum; Arts Audiences; ; the Institutes of Technology Ireland; Bord Bia and the Council of National Cultural Institutions (CNCI); Rural Development Partnership companies; Waterways Ireland; Bord na Móna; Revenue Commissioners; and the Department of Finance.