Am I eligible?
The Tourism Business Continuity Scheme Phase One Plus scheme is designed to provide funding to businesses who have not already been supported under previous Fáilte Ireland business continuity schemes:
Tourism Business Continuity Scheme Phase 1
Coach Tourism Business Continuity Scheme
Ireland Based Inbound Agents Business Continuity Scheme
Also tourism transport businesses eligible to apply for the Fáilte Ireland Strategic Tourism Transport Business Continuity Scheme are not eligible to apply for Phase One Plus.
The following categories of tourism business may be eligible to apply:
Outdoor Tourism Activity Providers
Tourism Golf Courses
Hop-On Hop-Off Tourism Bus Tour Operators
Cruise Hire Companies
Tourism Boat Tour Operators
Visitor Attractions (where a portion of their business activity was deemed ineligible to apply for CRSS)
Caravan and Camping and Outdoor Accommodation Providers
Not-For-Profit Accommodation Providers (trusts/charities)
Aviation and Rail Tourism Experiences
Tourism Destination Experience Organisers
Please see the Guidelines for a full explanation of each of these categories.
Eligibility quick check
Did the business have eligible tourism turnover of more than €50,000 per annum pre-pandemic, in 2019?
Is the business ineligible to receive payments from the Revenue Commissioner’s Covid Restrictions Support Scheme (CRSS), or, eligible to receive CRSS for only a portion of their tourism business activity?
Is the business in one of the ten eligible categories of tourism businesses listed above?
As a result of COVID-19, did the business’s turnover suffer a downturn of at least 75% when comparing average monthly turnover in the 4-month period January 2021 – April 2021, versus, the average monthly turnover for the period January to December 2019?
Is the business entity not in public ownership, nor manage/ operate a tourism asset on behalf of a public body?
Was the business in existence and trading prior to January 1st, 2020?
If you answered “yes” to all of the above questions, your business may be eligible. However, you should read the Guidelines carefully for the full criteria before proceeding with your application.