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The Hotel Survey report provides key performance data, room and bed occupancy rates, Average Daily Rates (ADR) and Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR) of Irish hotels at a national and county level (where available) in August 2024.
Key Tourism Facts 2023 provides Fáilte Ireland’s estimates of overseas tourists’ and holidaymakers’ performance in 2023 and incorporates data from the CSO, NISRA and Fáilte Ireland. This document contains national figures only, with regional figures to follow in a later update.
Read the summary results for the fourth year of Fáilte Ireland's tourism and hospitality labour market research.
The Hotel Survey report provides key performance data, room and bed occupancy rates, Average Daily Rates (ADR) and Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR) of Irish hotels at a national and county (where available) level in July 2024.
Read the Visitor Attractions Survey Report 2023. This report provides a topline analysis of Visitor Attractions Performance in 2023 along with attendances at participating attractions.