Fáilte Ireland, as a member of the Government’s Tourism Recovery Taskforce significantly contributed to the contents of the Tourism Recovery Plan published on October 6th 2020.
The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin T.D. presented the Tourism Recovery Plan to Cabinet which noted the contents at its meeting on October 6th 2020.
Under the leadership of Chair Ruth Andrews, the Taskforce made a number of recommendations to help stabilise the tourism sector, protect jobs and boost recovery in the years ahead. These include:
• Business continuity grants and additional operational supports for enterprises
• Professional development supports for workers in the sector
• Liquidity measures to support vulnerable but viable businesses
• Facilitating the resumption of inbound international tourism
• Increasing competitiveness through a VAT reduction and actions to increase supply and reduce the costs of insurance
• Increased domestic and overseas marketing expenditure
Paul Kelly, CEO of Fáilte Ireland said:
“The tourism and hospitality industry has suffered catastrophic losses as a result of COVID-19. It is the sector that was hit first, hit the hardest and will take the longest to recover so our work on the Taskforce was critical and urgent. As a member of the Taskforce, Fáilte Ireland made a significant contribution and I want to thank Taskforce Chair Ruth Andrews for her excellent leadership and for the constant support of Minister Catherine Martin. The members’ combined experience and expertise in addition to key stakeholder submissions led to the development of a plan that is robust, practical and comprehensive. The plan aims to stabilise the tourism sector, protect as many jobs and businesses as possible and help the industry recover as quickly as possible.”
Read the Tourism Recovery Plan
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