About the Short Term Tourist Letting (STTL) Register.

  • 1. Why is a Short Term Tourist Letting Register being introduced?
  • Fáilte Ireland is introducing a Short Term Tourist Letting Register for all short term tourist accommodation lets in Ireland.

    Fáilte Ireland’s aim, as directed by the Government’s Housing for All policy, is to require any party offering accommodation on a short term basis to tourists (referred to as “Short Term Tourist Letting” or “STTL”) to be registered on a Register and hold a valid registration number issued by Fáilte Ireland.
    This Register will be underpinned by forthcoming amendments to the Tourist Traffic Acts 1939 – 2016.

  • 2. What are the requirements for Short Term Tourist Letting proprietors?
  • Requirements for proprietors are as follows:
    • Ensure property is registered with Fáilte Ireland to receive a Short Term Tourist Letting registration number.
    • Ensure that accurate proprietor and property information (including Eircode) is provided when registering any Short Term Tourist Letting property.
    • Ensure that each property registered meets the relevant statutory obligations (self-declaration required for Short Term Tourist Letting registration).
    • Provide a valid Short Term Tourist Letting registration number to a booking platform when submitting an advertisement.
    • Display a valid Short Term Tourist Letting registration number when advertising their property.

  • 3. How will I register?
  • The registration system will be online via a dedicated Fáilte Ireland registration portal. To register a property, proprietors will be able to quickly sign up to the portal using their email address, input proprietor and property details (including Eircode), confirm they meet the relevant statutory obligations (by way of self-declaration) and pay a registration fee. They will instantly receive a unique registration number for each property registered.

  • 4. Will I require an Eircode to register?
  • Yes, you will be required to enter the Eircode for the property/properties being registered. 

  • 5. When do I register?
  • When legislation is signed into law, Fáilte Ireland’s Short Term Tourist Letting Register for all short term tourist accommodation in Ireland will launch shortly thereafter. Proprietors and booking platforms will be required to display a valid Short Term Tourist Letting registration number when advertising a property.

    Proprietors within the sector will be allowed a period of six months from the launch of the Short Term Tourist Letting Register to check if there are any statutory obligations related to their property that they need to consider or need clarification on. 

    We advise all proprietors who may be unsure of their statutory obligations to obtain any clarification necessary to ensure their statutory obligations are being met. Those who avail of the six month clarification period at the point of registration will receive a valid STTL registration number which will allow them to advertise their property from launch of the Register.

  • 6. What will I need to do with my Short Term Tourist Letting registration number?
  • Proprietors will be required to display a valid Fáilte Ireland Short Term Tourist Letting registration number on all booking platforms (including property websites) and advertisements.

  • 7. Will I need to upload any supporting documentation?
  • You will not be required to upload any supporting documentation as you register. However, you may be contacted post registration for clarification on your registration.

  • 8. How long will it take to register a Short Term Tourist Letting property?
  • Proprietors will be required to sign up using an email address that will be validated prior to creating a password, all of which will only take a minute or so. Once signed in, the registration portal becomes available to register your property/properties. The length of time this takes will depend on the number of properties being registered. If the person registering has all the information to hand e.g. Eircode, payment details etc., and are just entering the details for one property, the full process should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. Applications can be saved and completed at a later time, and multiple properties may be registered at the one time.

  • 9. What will happen when I register my property?
    • Once you register your property/properties you will receive confirmation of your Short Term Tourist. Letting registration number, this will be valid for 12 months from the date of issue.
    • You will need to ensure your Short Term Tourist Letting registration number is displayed on all booking platforms (including property websites) and advertisements.
    • Registered properties will be searchable publicly, via the Fáilte Ireland website.

  • 10. What will the fees be?
  • The registration fees will be announced shortly. Being aware of the challenges which households and businesses face, the fees will be kept to a minimum.

  • 11. What is an online platform?
  • An online platform is an internet-based/digital marketplace, where Short Term Tourist Lettings can be advertised.

  • 12. How will the Short Term Tourist Letting Register work?
  • Any party offering accommodation for periods of up to and including 21 nights will need to be registered with Fáilte Ireland. Proprietors can register via a quick and user-friendly online portal where they will:

    • Input proprietor and property details (including Eircode).
    • Confirm that they meet the relevant statutory obligations (by way of self-declaration).
    • Pay the registration fee (this will be an annual register which will need to be renewed each year).
    Upon successful registration they will instantly receive a registration number which they provide to all online platforms and websites that advertise or list their property.
    The Fáilte Ireland Short Term Tourist Letting Register will be available in real time to the booking platforms. Fáilte Ireland will offer an optional technical solution to booking platforms to automate the verification of registration numbers.
    Local Authorities will also have access to the Fáilte Ireland Short Term Tourist Letting Register for properties in their area, where they can check relevant properties. If a property is found to be non-compliant with statutory planning requirements, the Local Authority may notify Fáilte Ireland who will suspend the validity of the registration number of that property.
    All planning functions, including monitoring and enforcement of same, will remain the responsibility of the Local Authorities.

    Properties registered on the Short Term Tourist Letting Register are not Quality Approved by Fáilte Ireland. Further information on becoming Quality Assured and approved by Fáilte Ireland under the National Quality Assurance Framework is available here Fáilte Ireland Quality Assurance.

  • 13. What is the reason for selecting the 21-night threshold?
  • It is the view of Fáilte Ireland that, in the context of the tourism market, a short-term stay/holiday will generally occur over a period of a maximum of three weeks, i.e. 21 nights, as such we deemed it appropriate to set this threshold for the Short Term Tourist Letting Register.

    We note that the definition of a Short Term Let differs under other regulations e.g. definitions under existing planning regulations. However, the underpinning of the Short Term Tourist Letting Register differs from the requirements set out in planning legislation/regulations in terms of purpose and intended outcome.

    The Short Term Tourist Letting Register is not designed to implement planning law. The definitions provided for under the draft Bill are derived from a tourism perspective.

Questions regarding planning requirements.

At a local level, planning functions, including monitoring and enforcement of the relevant planning regulations, are the responsibility of the relevant Local Authority. Fáilte Ireland does not have a role in relation to planning and cannot advise or assist with any queries with respect to planning regulations. Any individual/case-specific questions should be directed to the relevant Local Authority. It is important to note that the introduction of the Short Term Tourist Letting Register will not alter, update or impact upon existing planning requirements.
  • 14. Where do I find out more information on planning regulations and requirements?
  • At a local level, planning functions, including monitoring and enforcement of the relevant planning regulations, remain the responsibility of the relevant Local Authority. Fáilte Ireland does not have a role in relation to planning and cannot advise or assist with any queries with respect to planning regulations. Any individual/case-specific questions should be directed to the relevant Local Authority.
    It is important to note that the introduction of the Short Term Tourist Letting Register will not alter, update or impact upon existing planning requirements.
    Please see existing Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage guidance on Short Term Letting - (gov.ie - Circular PL 04/2019 - New Regulation of Short Term Letting (www.gov.ie) ). The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage has committed to issuing updated planning guidelines to Local Authorities to provide clarity in the determination of planning applications in respect of short term letting. Any queries in relation to the status or content of these guidelines should be directed to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

  • 15. If I don’t know the planning status of my property, can I register on the STTL Register?
  • Yes, however we strongly encourage all STTL providers to clarify their planning status, including seeking planning permission where required, as soon as possible. Any STTL providers that have queries about their planning status are advised to contact their Local Authority.
    When registering, proprietors will have the opportunity to tick a box to confirm each property registered meets the relevant statutory obligations or is in the process of clarifying their position regarding their statutory obligations. This will not impact their registration, and they will receive a Short Term Tourist Letting registration number. However, they will need to confirm they meet their statutory obligations within 6 months of the Register going live.
    We advise all proprietors who may be unsure of their statutory obligations to obtain any clarification necessary to ensure their statutory obligations are being met.

Fáilte Ireland’s existing accommodation registers.

The Fáilte Ireland National Quality Assurance Framework was developed to provide visitors with the assurance that nationally recognised minimum standards are in place for tourist accommodation. The framework was also designed to maintain and develop standards across the tourism accommodation industry and to support the development of individual tourism accommodation businesses.
  • 16. What is Fáilte Ireland’s remit in managing tourist accommodation standards and regulation?
  • Fáilte Ireland operates the National Quality Assurance Framework (NQAF) which includes several types and style of tourism accommodation. The NQAF aims to provide consumers with easily identifiable symbols and standards of service that they can trust. Working with tourism providers, Fáilte Ireland wishes to ensure that those standards meet consumer expectations, help marketing efforts, and support product development. 
    Each style of tourist accommodation is required to meet the relevant regulations or minimum standards criteria. Fáilte Ireland will welcome and assist any tourist accommodation on the Short Term Tourist Letting Register to participate in the NQAF. Please contact us on 0818 888800 or qualityassurance@failteireland.ie for further information.
    NOTE: Registration on the Short Term Tourist Letting Register does not mean that a property is Quality Assured by Fáilte Ireland. Any property registered on the Short Term Tourist Letting Register which is not already part of the NQAF will be welcome to apply should they wish to do so.

  • 17. What is the difference between the Short Term Tourist Letting Register and NQAF?
  • The Fáilte Ireland National Quality Assurance Framework was developed to provide visitors with the assurance that nationally recognised minimum standards are in place for tourist accommodation. The framework was also designed to maintain and develop standards across the tourism accommodation industry and to support the development of individual tourism accommodation businesses.

    Registration of the Short Term Tourist Letting Register does not mean that a property is Quality Assured by Fáilte Ireland. Accommodation registered on the Short Term Tourist Letting Register will not be quality assessed. 

  • 18. If I am on the Short Term Tourist Letting Register, will I be listed on DiscoverIreland.ie?
  • Registration on the Short Term Tourist Letting Register does not mean that a property will be listed on DiscoverIreland.ie. In order to list your property on the Discover Ireland website your property must be Quality Assured by Fáilte Ireland and you will need to complete the necessary information which can be found on our marketing page.

Do I need to register?

  • 19. I only rent a room occasionally, will I need to register?
  • All proprietors renting Short Term Tourist Lettings for periods of up to and including 21 nights will need to register their property with Fáilte Ireland. Your Short Term Tourist Letting registration number will need to be renewed annually.

  • 20. I rent a room to students per semester, will I need to register?
  • No, if your accommodation is rented for a period of longer than 21 nights you will not require a Short Term Tourist Letting registration number.

  • 21. Will student accommodation providers be required to register?
  • Student accommodation providers who are letting their properties for periods of up to and including 21 nights will be required to register their properties on the Short Term Tourist Letting Register.

  • 22. I rent a room on a permanent basis, will I need to register?
  • No, if your accommodation is rented for a period of longer than 21 nights you will not require a Short Term Tourist Letting registration number.

  • 23. What if I don’t renew the Short Term Tourist Letting registration for registered properties?
  • 12 months after registration, you must renew your Short Term Tourist Letting registration number as the number will expire. Renewal reminders will be issued prior to expiry date. If you do not renew your registration, the property is removed from the Register and the Fáilte Ireland issued STTL registration number becomes invalid.

If your question has not been answered here, please contact our Customer Support Team.