Trail Network Development Scheme

Trail Network Development Scheme

The Trail Network Development Scheme focuses on developing and enhancing the network of trails across former industrial peatlands in the EU Just Transition Territory*. The scheme aims to develop the overall EU Just Transition region into an exciting and world-class sustainable tourism destination that will enhance the region for visitors and locals.

The trail development network will develop and repurpose former industrial peatlands to support a network of universally accessible cyclable and walkable trails that will add to, and connect with, existing trails. The ambition for this connected trail network will be to firmly establish the Midlands as a compelling destination for outdoor activities, supporting the creation of new jobs in ancillary and related activities, connecting back into towns and villages. The trails that are going forward for planning (subject to ‘last mile connections’ in some places) and subject to funding are located on Bord na Móna lands, and encompass the following trails:

  • Longford - between Lanesborough and Cloondara,
  • Roscommon - between Termonbarry and Roosky,
  • Westmeath – between Athlone and Ballinahown,
  • Offaly East – between Grand Canal Greenway and Mount Lucas
  • Offaly West – around Clonmacnoise, Ballinahown and Lough Boora
  • Tipperary - between Littleton/Lough Doire Bhuile

Following the completion of the planning process for these trails, Bord na Móna will apply for funding for their construction.

The trails identified under this scheme are ones that have the highest likelihood of getting planning permission, being built and being completed by August 2026 deadline, while also delivering the most impact on the tourism, economic and sustainability objectives of the EU Just Transition fund.