Platform 3: Gala Dinner Venues Capital Investment Scheme 2022
**Closed to new applications**
The lack of unique gala dinner venues of scale has long been an impediment to the growth of the international Business Events market to Ireland and has resulted in an estimated loss of €100m revenue over a five-year period.
To stimulate the development of unique gala dinner venues of scale, Fáilte Ireland has launched a Gala Dinner Venues Investment Scheme, which is a small capital investment scheme, offering investment grants of up to 100% of eligible project costs to a maximum of €200,000 per project. The scheme aims to support the development of up to seven ‘wow’ gala dinner venues of scale in the environs of Ireland’s premier business tourism hubs ie Dublin, Cork, Kerry, the Shannon Region and Galway. Targeting this gap in the Business Events segment will ensure recovery and growth of revenue which is central to Fáilte Ireland’s sustainable growth agenda.