
Meitheal is a two day face-to-face workshop that gives the Irish tourism industry and overseas tourism buyers from over 20 different countries the opportunity to meet and do business. Over 10,000 appointments are conducted over two days with many new and important contracts signed.  This global Travel Trade Fair takes place annually in March. 
Running since 1975, Meitheal is Fáilte Ireland’s flagship trade event, which is organised in conjunction with Tourism Ireland to enable Irish tourism businesses to sell the best of Ireland to top international tourism buyers.

A Meitheal conference

Access our suite of resources to learn more about rebooting international business.

Preparing for international business
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Watch an introduction to Meitheal 2019 to get a glimpse of what is on offer.

Watch the Meitheal 2019 video
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Find out more about the range of experiences available with the Meitheal Buyers Guide.

Meitheal Ireland Buyers' Guide
  • How do the Irish industry and overseas buyers make and book the B2B appointments at Meitheal?
  • Fáilte Ireland uses an online appointment scheduler called Converve to facilitate Irish industry and overseas buyers to make their appointments for Meitheal.

    Approximately six weeks prior to Meitheal the confirmed list of Irish industry and overseas buyers attending Meitheal are sent a link to Converve to begin requesting and accepting appointments. Converve allows industry and buyers to create their own business profile and manage all appointments, and the platform remains open up to and during Meitheal.

    Buyers can only see industry profiles and industry can only see buyer profiles. Access to the platform remains active for a year after Meitheal for both industry and buyers and so is a useful reference tool.

  • How can I attend Meitheal?
  • Irish trades need to be registered on the Fáilte Ireland Trade Portal in order to receive notifications regarding Meitheal.

    The overseas buyers are recruited by Tourism Ireland offices worldwide to attend Meitheal. There is an agreed setting of deadlines between Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Ireland for buyer recruitment and buyer registration for Meitheal workshop and fams.

  • Who delivers Meitheal?
  • The Trade Fams and Platforms team in Fáilte Ireland. Planning for Meitheal begins a year out from the workshop.

    The complexity of planning the fams, venues, accommodation, entertainment, evening venue selection, photography, procurement, transport, printing, merchandise, F&B, industry registration and selection, buyer recruitment, Converve management and research means each Meitheal is a year-long project.