Accommodation Supply Dashboard

09 May 2022

The dashboard below gives an overview of registered and approved accommodation stock in the Republic of Ireland, and allows you to filter this information by:

1. Accommodation type: view one, a combination or all types of registered and approved accommodation for 2022.

2. Geography: National overview, by regional brand, by EU region, by county or by city/town.

3. Hotel star rating.


1. To view the dashboard in full screen - open the ‘Full Screen Mode’ represented by a double-sided arrow in the bottom right-hand corner of the dashboard

2. For a quick tour of the dashboard and its features – click on the video icon on the dashboard banner to watch a short demo.

3. This dashboard provides an annual snapshot of registrations (as of March 2022). Any changes in registrations since then will not be reflected here. For any quarterly updates, please check the Register of Accommodation.

4. The B&B accommodation type includes properties that are registered with B&B Ireland as well as Fáilte Ireland.

5. Marinas and campus accommodation are excluded from the main dashboard table. This is because:

• Marinas can have a large berth capacity and are very niche by their nature.
• Campus accommodation is only available for a relatively small window in the summer. 


The regional brand boundaries have been reconfigured on the dashboard to reflect a change in County Limerick and County Cork: properties located in the Ballyhoura area are now part of Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands.

**What does this mean?**

While the accommodation supply figures remain unchanged (based on Q1 2022) the total number of properties, rooms/units and bed spaces for the Wild Atlantic Way and for Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands have been adjusted and therefore will differ from the previous regional brand breakdown on the dashboard (Regional Brand filter).


03 April 2023

The dashboard below gives an overview of registered and approved accommodation stock in the Republic of Ireland, and allows you to filter this information by:

•  Accommodation type: view one, a combination or all types of registered and approved accommodation for 2023.

• Geography: national overview, by regional brand, by EU region, by county or by city/town.

• Hotel star rating.


1. To view the dashboard in full screen - open the ‘Full Screen Mode’ represented by a double-sided arrow in the bottom right-hand corner of the dashboard

2. For a quick tour of the dashboard and its features – click on the video icon on the dashboard banner to watch a short demo.

3. This dashboard provides an annual snapshot of registrations (as of February 2023). Any changes in registrations since then will not be reflected here. For any quarterly updates, please check the Register of Accommodation.

4. The B&B accommodation type includes properties that are registered with B&B Ireland as well as properties approved by Fáilte Ireland.

5. Marinas and campus accommodation are excluded from the main dashboard table. This is because:

• Marinas can have a large berth capacity and are very niche by their nature.

• Campus accommodation is only available for a relatively small window in the summer.